Membership Committee - ... shall examine the qualifications of applicants and recommend candidates for membership in the Association.
Nominating Committee - ... for the purpose of selecting a slate of officers t be presented at the Annual Meeting.
Executive Board - ... shall conduct the business of the Association between meetings not otherwise provided for.
Lisa Helpa
Deb Peltier
Jon Dias
William C. Kane
Susan Petzold
Christina Crocker
Elizabeth Haygood
Karen Gomez
Robert Neimic
Auditing Board - ... shall serve as the audit of the Treasurer's book yearly and report to the Annual Meeting.
Grievance Board - ... will review the written appeal of complainant schools or officials, resolve grievances and report decisions to the respective schools, officials, or league involved.
Review Board - ... to review the constitution and to propose any amendments of the same to the Executive Board three (3) months prior to the next Annual Meeting.